US Election 2020: Polls missed ‘silent voters’ yet again

When will I ever learn? All I can say in my defence is that I’m not alone. In common with pretty well every pundit on both sides of the Atlantic, I assumed Joe Biden would trounce Donald Trump. The polls uniformly predicted a Biden landslide. On the eve of the election, a ten-point lead for … Read more

US Election 2020: Could Arizona flip to TRUMP? 400k votes uncounted

Chaos hit the election count center in a crucial Arizona county on Wednesday night after a large group of Trump supporters gathered outside to protest and one woman even made her way inside the building to disrupt the count, as the race in the must-win state tightened.  The center was forced to close to the public, … Read more

US Elections 2020: Protect the Vote protests held across country

Anti-Trump protesters clash with NYPD after thousands march down Manhattan’s Fifth Ave demanding ‘count every vote’ as demonstrations break out in Philadelphia and LAPD declares ‘tactical alert’ for second night in a row Protesters took to the streets of New York City demanding every vote be counted after Trump falsely claimed victory amid a cliffhanger … Read more

Trump files Georgia lawsuit over late ballots after suing PA and NV

Democrat Joe Biden edged closer to a potential upset in Georgia – and to a White House win – coming within 1 point of President Donald Trump in the traditionally red state Wednesday night. As the race narrowed, Trump’s campaign announced that they had filed a lawsuit in the state, alleging that a GOP poll … Read more

Trump sends Rudy Giuliani to dispute Supreme Court ballot deadline

President Donald Trump sent his son Eric and personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani into Pennsylvania on Wednesday as he mounted a challenge to the state’s Supreme Court decision on the deadline for mail-in ballots amid his worsening chances of winning reelection.   In a press conference held in Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon Giuliani and the first son … Read more

Angry Trump rang Rupert Murdoch as Fox News called Arizona for Biden

Furious Donald Trump called Rupert Murdoch to scream at him after Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden – but the media mogul refused to back down Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden before AP, CNN or NBC AP has since called Arizona, but CNN and NBC believe it is too close to call Donald … Read more

Trump sends in Rudy Giuliani and son Eric to dispute Supreme Court ballot deadline in Pennsylvania

President Donald Trump sent his son Eric and personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani into Pennsylvania on Wednesday as he mounted a challenge to the state’s Supreme Court decision on the deadline for mail-in ballots amid his worsening chances of winning reelection.   In a press conference held in Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon Giuliani and the first son … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden ‘confident’ to win, Trump sues to halt count

Joe Biden all but declared election victory on Wednesday afternoon after winning Wisconsin and Michigan as President Trump cried fraud, desperately scrambled to undermine the results and claimed his own wins in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia even though votes are still being tallied there.  CNN called Michigan for Biden on Wednesday afternoon, giving him … Read more

Trump supporters chanting ‘Stop the Vote’ storm Detroit counting hall

Donald Trump supporters chanting ‘stop the vote’ stormed a Detroit counting hall Wednesday afternoon as the president sued Michigan for not providing ‘meaningful access’ to counting locations and Joe Biden won the crucial swing state. The TCF Center in downtown Detroit boarded up its windows and shuttered its doors after hundreds of poll watchers descended … Read more

US Election 2020: Joe Biden breaks 2008 Obama popular vote record

Massive voter turnout has led Democratic nominee Joe Biden to receive more votes for president than any other candidate in US history with 70million counted so far, breaking Barack Obama‘s 2008 popular vote record.  The former Vice President racked up more than 70,470,044 votes as of Wednesday at 3.20pm EST, surpassing Obama’s popular vote total … Read more