Trump’s ‘electoral fraud’ lawsuits explained – as Michigan bid FAILS

President Donald Trump‘s post-election legal strategy has been to file lawsuits everywhere his team believes there are votes to be found or blocked and where Joe Biden is inching ahead – even if their push in one state contradicts what they are seeking in another. The strategy gives Trump’s lawyers multiple avenue for challenges, with … Read more

US Election 2020: Nevada result delayed, 200k votes still to count

Nevada‘s election result was delayed on Thursday as officials scrambled to count the remaining 200,000 votes there and Biden’s lead increased from 8,000 votes to 11,500 in the face of ongoing claims from President Trump that the entire election is a fraud that involved tens of thousands of votes being cast in dead people’s names.  Officials … Read more

US Election 2020: Trump 0.4% ahead in Georgia after 98% vote count

Trump is ahead by less than 0.4% in Georgia after 98% of the votes are counted and the result is expected to be called later this morning Donald Trump holds a lead of around 22,500 votes in the southern state  But tens of thousands of mail ballots in Atlanta still need to be counted One … Read more

Donald Trump ‘STOP THE COUNT!’ and launches barrage of lawsuits

WHEN ELECTION RESULTS MIGHT COME GEORGIA: Unclear – counting may go into evening Thursday Can there be a recount? If the winning margin is 0.5% or less a candidate can request it after results are certified, which happens on November 20  NEVADA: Update due noon Thursday  Can there be a recount? The defeated candidate can … Read more

US Election 2020: Joe Biden expected to win narrow Nevada victory

Biden is expected to win in Nevada despite having less than 1% lead over Trump and the final results are not expected until later today – but Trump files lawsuit to halt the count Results from the state were originally expected late on election night with Joe Biden currently up 0.6% But officials stopped reporting … Read more

Donald Trump demands ‘STOP THE COUNT!’ as his campaign launches barrage of lawsuits

President Donald Trump demanded the nation stop counting votes in the presidential election as his campaign launches a lawsuit in Nevada, which could hand Joe Biden the presidency should he win its six electoral votes. Former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell is holding a pres conference for the Trump campaign in Nevada later today … Read more

Piers Morgan urges Donald Trump to calm down allow vote count

Donald Trump‘s presidency is slipping away. Slowly but surely, the Electoral College needle is moving inexorably in his Democrat rival Joe Biden‘s favour. Of course, it’s still technically possible that Trump could pull off another miracle like he did in 2016. (If there’s one thing everyone surely can agree about him, it’s that nothing about … Read more

Nancy on the brink? Democrats are now plotting to oust Pelosi as House Speaker

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is facing tough questions about her ability to win enough votes to retain her leadership, after Democrats shrunk their House majority and moderates in the party plotted to back a challenger.  Democrats went into Tuesday night expecting to pad their majority in the House by marching deeper into President Donald Trump’s … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden’s lead in Arizona narrows to 68,000 votes

Democrat Joe Biden‘s lead in Arizona has narrowed to just 68,000 votes after a new batch of absentee ballots heavily favored Republican President Donald Trump, giving new life to the Trump camp’s theory that a victory is still possible. Trump won the batches of some 140,000 additional ballots from Maricopa County counted Wednesday and early … Read more

Pro-Trump protesters force Arizona polling station to close

The results of the US election are still unclear today after Joe Biden’s lead in the swing state of Arizona was slashed – even as he edged towards victory in other states where Donald Trump issued lawsuits to try and stop him.  Armed pro-Trump protesters descended on a counting center in Maricopa County, Arizona, late … Read more