ITV under pressure to kick Rufus Hound off Dancing on Ice for Manchester terror attack conspiracy

ITV is under pressure to kick Rufus Hound off Dancing on Ice for claiming Theresa May planned the Manchester Arena terror attack to help Tories win the election Rufus Hound retweeted claims Theresa May planned Manchester terror attack Comedian, 41, shared tweet stating the timing of bombing ‘fortunate’ for May He later said he was … Read more

Priti Patel defends Boris Johnson as Theresa May accuses him of lacking ‘global moral leadership’

Boris Johnson was defended against a blistering claim from his predecessor that he lacks ‘global moral leadership’ today – just hours before he refused to accuse China of genocide against its Uighur Muslim minority. Home Secretary Priti Patel leapt to the Prime Minister’s defence today after a coruscating broadside from Theresa May. Mrs May accused … Read more

Theresa May blasts Boris Johnson and accuses him of failing to honour British values

Theresa May has issued her most strident criticism yet of Boris Johnson, accusing him of abandoning Britain’s ‘position of global moral leadership’. Writing in the Mail to mark Joe Biden‘s inauguration as US President, she suggests her successor has failed to honour British values by threatening to break international law in Brexit trade talks and … Read more

Backlash fears as Priti Patel boosts police stop and search powers

Backlash fears as Priti Patel boosts police stop and search powers in a bid to tackle spiralling knife crime Priti Patel preparing to risk uproar by giving police new stop and search powers Police will get automatic right to search previously convicted of knife offences Mrs May said stop and search was ‘unfair, especially to … Read more

Two-hour Tory coup as Steve Baker tells Boris Johnson to end lockdown

Tory coup that only lasted for two hours! ‘Hardman of Brexit’ Steve Baker tells Boris Johnson to end lockdown or face revolt – before tweeting his ‘full support’ by the end of the day Former minister Steve Baker had warned long lockdown could see PM toppled Called for ‘guarantee’ that lockdown measures will not be … Read more

Priti Patel ‘will end release of potentially dangerous suspects with no bail restrictions’

Priti Patel ‘will end release of potentially dangerous suspects with no bail restrictions’ after 97,000 arrestees including ones accused of rape were let out ‘under investigation’ in three years Priti Patel will stop suspects from being released with no bail restrictions Police will use bail in cases where it is deemed ‘necessary and proportionate’ 2017 … Read more

Theresa May slams MPs for failing to back her ‘better’ Brexit deal

Theresa May donned a coronavirus mask in the Commons today as she raged at MPs for failing to back her ‘better’ Brexit deal last year. The ex-PM was a lone figure using a face covering as she joined the debate over Boris Johnson‘s trade agreement with the EU. And she only ditched the mask to … Read more

Though I voted Remain we should all now celebrate, writes DOMINIC SANDBROOK 

Wonder of wonders, the deal is done! After all the squabbling and shouting — and despite the predictions of No Deal disaster — Boris Johnson has his trade agreement with the European Union, and we can get on with our lives. What a long, arduous, unedifying journey it has been, with so many twists and … Read more

Tory revolt forces U-turn on homes plan for the Shires as controversial formula gets scrapped

Tory revolt forces U-turn on homes plan for the Shires: Controversial formula that MPs feared would have led to fields in the south being concreted over gets scrapped Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt led the revolt against the  planning algorithm  Housing Secretary announced algorithm had been tweaked to include the North  Conservative MPs have criticised … Read more