Queen’s cousin in Kremlin cash-for-access storm

Fictitious executives were told Prince Michael of Kent could be hired to endorse their company to Vladimir Putin‘s inner circle, a bombshell report claims.    The Queen‘s cousin, 78, was filmed in a Zoom meeting where undercover reporters posing as clients from South Korea were told he could be hired for £10,000 a day to make ‘confidential’ representations … Read more

The submarine sent to sink Stephen Lawrence’s killers

Lurking discreetly somewhere off the north-eastern coast of Scotland, a Royal Navy submarine waits to receive top-secret signals and relay them to the mainland. Ordinarily, operators in its cramped radio room might be listening out for vessels from Russia‘s mighty Baltic Fleet ploughing through the North Sea. But the ‘intercepts’ they anticipate today couldn’t be … Read more

Covid Russia: Putin boasts Sputnik-v vaccine are ‘as simple and reliable as a Kalashnikov rifle’

Putin claims Russia’s controversial Covid jabs are ‘as simple and reliable as a Kalashnikov assault rifle’ President Putin was welcoming the country’s fourth vaccine, Sputnik Light He said that Western nations have developed vaccines which were ‘innovative’ But he said the Russian jabs were simple and reliable like a Kalashnikov rifle  By Ross Ibbetson For Mailonline … Read more

America will respond to ‘reckless or aggressive’ Russian acts, Anthony Blinken warns

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that the United States will respond to reckless or aggressive acts by Russia. His comments came ahead of a meeting with Ukraine‘s leadership on Thursday in a visible show of support following a massive troop buildup by Russia. Speaking during a visit to the UK for a G7 meeting … Read more

DANIEL HANNAN: Emmanuel Macron, the new Napoleon? No, he’s a Poundland Putin 

A stable democracy doesn’t threaten to cut off its neighbour’s energy supplies. That is the sort of behaviour we associate with rogue states. Putin’s Russia, for example, sometimes resorts to ‘gas diplomacy’ to browbeat Ukraine and other nearby states. An energy blockade is calculatedly bellicose — if not exactly an act of war, then certainly … Read more

Russia announces tests of Putin’s ‘invincible’ hypersonic ‘Satan 2’ super nuke

Russia is to carry out three tests of its new deadly hypersonic ‘Satan-2’ intercontinental ballistic missile this year, it was announced today. The 208-ton weapon, officially called RS-28 Sarmat, is the biggest beast in Vladimir Putin‘s modernised nuclear arsenal, and is due to go into service in 2022. ‘Three launches of the Sarmat ICBM will … Read more

The CIA’s woke recruitment video gets panned

The CIA’s woke recruitment video gets panned: Recruit describes herself as ‘intersectional cisgender millennial’ diagnosed with ‘generalized anxiety disorder’ in clip ridiculed online The CIA officer, who is not named, 36, tells viewers she is ‘unapologetically me’ The clip has sparked a fierce reaction online with users labelling it ‘woke’  Donald Trump Jr. shared the … Read more

The British ballerina, brutal Cold War Russia… and the mysterious stranger who helped her escape

The photo of her ‘saviour’ Natasha that she treasured since the 1970s When Debbie Gayle told her son Jake her remarkable story – kept secret for nearly five decades – he was determined to track down her mysterious ‘guardian angel’. But would finding Natasha bring peace or reopen painful wounds from the past? For as … Read more

Russian warship launches supersonic cruise missile in the Black Sea during live fire exercise

Putin fires warning to the West: Russian warship launches supersonic cruise missile in the Black Sea during live fire exercise ahead of arrival of British frigate and destroyer following his climbdown in Crimea Russian cruiser Moskva fired the Vulkan missile from its Basalt missile system A surface target was hit at a distance of 19 … Read more