Queen’s planes will be axed in move that could force Royals to borrow Boris Johnson’s jet 

The Queen’s official fleet of planes is to be sold off as part of defence cuts in a move that will force her to borrow Boris Johnson’s Union Flag jet. Airliners used by the Royal Family since the 1980s will be withdrawn from service next year to save money – leaving the sovereign without a … Read more

Harry and Meghan say relentless negativity forced them out…yet these pages prove the opposite

Few things exemplify Britishness more than dear old Marks & Spencer.  So when, in May 2018, the Windsor branch changed its name to ‘Markle and Sparkle’ in honour of the marriage of Harry Windsor to Meghan Markle, it felt like the ultimate stamp of approval. Swept away by the giddy excitement of a royal wedding … Read more

Gayle King claims Harry and Meghan have been ‘vilified’ as CBS co-host says royals are ‘oppressive’

Gayle King has claimed that Prince Harry and ‘particularly’ his wife Meghan Markle have been unfairly ‘vilified’ as her CBS This Morning co-hosts decried the ‘oppressive’ royal family while discussing a new teaser clip from the couple’s explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey.  King, 66, and her colleagues spoke out in defense of Harry, 36, and … Read more

Meghan Markle ‘claims Buckingham Palace using Prince Philip’s health as excuse to keep her muzzled’

Meghan Markle says would never ask to postpone Sunday’s release of her tell-all interview with Oprah and claims the royal family is using Prince Philip‘s health as an excuse to keep her ‘muzzled,’ sources tell DailyMail.com.  Mounting pressure has been put on Meghan, Harry and CBS to push back the much-anticipated interview special out of … Read more

Meghan claims she was ‘stopped by Palace aides’ from talking to Oprah Winfrey

Full transcript for forth Oprah preview video clip  Oprah: ‘So I just want to say that I called you either February or March 2018 before the wedding, asking would you please give me an interview, and you said I’m sorry, it’s not the right time, and finally we get to sit down and have this … Read more

Third clip for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Oprah trailer will be released today

Buckingham Palace officials were today braced for a third preview video clip of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, after CBS announced it would be released this afternoon.  The US network is set to broadcast the full two-hour chat on Sunday night at 1am UK time, before ITV shows it … Read more

Team Meghan leap to her defence: Duchess’s former ‘Suits’ colleague leads fight back

Meghan Markle’s American friends have orchestrated a fightback today as the Sussexes’ row with Buckingham Palace caused a transatlantic fissure that could damage the Queen’s popularity in the United States and saw the Duchess’ allies repeatedly compare her to Harry’s mother Princess Diana. Meghan’s supporters in the media as well as colleagues from her time on … Read more

Meghan ‘blamed Kate and Camilla for leaking stories to the Press about her’

Meghan Markle blamed the Duchess of Cambridge, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Charles for leaking stories about her to the Press when she was a senior royal, a source has claimed. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex felt negative stories about them – including Kate allegedly being left in tears following a bridesmaids’ dress … Read more

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Oprah Winfrey interview to be seen in 64 countries

Viewers in 64 countries are set to tune in to watch Meghan and Harry’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey after its US premiere on Sunday night. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex‘s two-hour pre-recorded sit-down interview will first be shown by CBS in the US at 1am UK time on Monday morning. The Royals have been … Read more

Meghan Markle clashed with royal aides over freebie designer clothes that broke royal protocol

Meghan Markle had furious rows with royal aides over freebie designer clothes sent to Kensington Palace at the time of bullying allegations, sources have claimed. The Duchess of Sussex, 39, who is currently living in her $14 million mansion in Santa Barbara with Prince Harry, 36, and their son Archie, two, is known for her … Read more