Meghan Markle’s friends say the royals should be relieved that she didn’t name names

Friends of Meghan Markle say she has no regrets about the bombshell Oprah interview and that the royal family should be ‘relieved’ that she didn’t go into more detail about what went on behind palace doors.   An insider with close ties to Meghan tells exclusively, ‘[Meghan] said she has absolutely no regrets about what was … Read more

‘I still don’t believe Meghan’: Piers Morgan tweets defiant Churchill message

Meghan Markle formally complained to ITV about Piers Morgan hours before the Good Morning Britain co-host quit – but denies it was fuelled by the journalist’s claims she was lying about being suicidal and the Royal Family being racist, it was revealed today.   The Duchess of Sussex claims she was not upset that Mr Morgan … Read more

What the Queen’s statement on Meghan and Harry interview really means

Royal experts have dissected the Queen’s official response to Harry and Meghan’s bombshell interview line by line. The interview with Oprah Winfrey aired in the US on Sunday, followed by ITV yesterday, with around 11.1million Brits tuning in to watch. The interview was marked by bombshell claims by Meghan Markle, 39, who claimed Prince Harry, … Read more

Queensland farmers who hosted Prince Harry in 2003 ‘respect’ he and Meghan after royal interview

Prince Harry tested the waters of a ‘normal life’ long before officially quitting the palace when he put on muddy boots and a cowboy hat to muster cattle in Outback Queensland.    When Harry was just 19 years old – and third in line to the throne – he spent three months living on Tooloombilla Station … Read more

Australian MP is slammed for ‘gold digger’ Tweet about Meghan Markle ‘marrying the wrong prince’

Australian MP is slammed for ‘gold digger’ Tweet claiming Meghan Markle is trying to damage the monarchy because she ‘married the wrong prince’ Liberal National Party MP Jarrod Bleijie slammed for Tweet about Meghan Markle He said she is trying to damage monarchy because she ‘married wrong prince’ Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace said Mr … Read more

Kyle and Jackie O say mystery royal ‘didn’t know they were being racist’

Australia’s biggest radio duo have defended the Royal Family amid claims that a mystery member of the family allegedly made a ‘racist’ comment about the skin colour of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry‘s son, Archie. Speaking on The Kyle and Jackie ‘O’ Show on Wednesday, the pair agreed with Meghan’s father Thomas that someone in … Read more

RICHARD KAY: Did Kate’s friendship with Harry cause the rift between her and Meghan?

Theirs has always been the most intriguing of relationships. Both dazzling beauties and outsiders who married into the Royal Family. Here were two very different women: Kate with her charmingly English reserve in public and Meghan a poised and glossy American performer. One restrained by the knowledge that she is destined to be queen, the … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Never mind the Press… the Sussexes have sensationalised their story

Prince Harry has been accused by a Government minister of having ‘blown up’ his family. Zac Goldsmith is right. The damage is enormous, and one can only salute the Queen for her brief and dignified statement last night. In their incendiary interview with Oprah Winfrey, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex set out to destroy … Read more

How ironic that when Harry called his Pakistani colleague the ‘P’-word, it was ‘without malice’ 

As the dust from that neutron bomb of an interview begins to settle, and the full extent of the fallout becomes clear, it seems Megxit has become even more divisive than Brexit. To her many (predominately young) fans, ‘Meghan’s truth’ is gospel, a heartbreaking tale of loneliness and victimisation. They are grateful to her — … Read more