Mitch McConnell wil vote to ACQUIT Donald Trump in sign that ex-president will escape conviction

House Democratic impeachment managers threw last-minute drama into President Donald Trump’s impeachment, saying Saturday they want to call GOP Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler for testimony about her stunning claims about what Trump said his supporters were ransacking the Capitol.  Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, the lead House impeachment manager, said he wanted to depose Rep.  Herrera … Read more

Trump refused to call off mob new details from McCarthy call shows

New bombshell details from a call between then President Donald Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy show a president who was unwilling to call off the MAGA mob during the January 6 insurrection.  CNN reported Friday that Trump and McCarthy engaged in an expletive-laced shouting match during the riot, with the California Republican begging the … Read more

Trump learns fate tomorrow with senators voting after trial turns into an angry shouting match

President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial grew into a contentious fight night on the floor of the Senate Friday, as his Philadelphia lawyer repeatedly attacked Democrats and sparred with managers as well as senators seeking to test sturdiness of his defense. Trump lawyer Michael Van der Veen was tasked with responding to questions asked by senators … Read more

US Capitol rioters close to Mike Pence’s ‘nuclear football’ in video

Nuclear commanders had ‘no idea’ Mike Pence’s ‘football’ was so close to being taken by the mob until they saw dramatic security footage at Donald Trump’s trial Nuclear commanders had no idea how close Vice President Mike Pence ‘s nuclear ‘football’ got to being taken by the MAGA mob US Strategic Command became aware of … Read more

Trump’s trial lawyers claim to show Democrat ‘hypocrisy’ with videos

President Donald Trump’s team of impeachment lawyers summoned the furious rhetorical style of their client as they began his defense Friday against what they termed a ‘sham impeachment’ they branded a ‘witch hunt.’  Lawyer Michael van der Veen came out swinging with legal arguments that appeared to channel the former Twitter rage of his client … Read more

Donald Trump’s lawyers start their defense that the president’s speech wasn’t an incitement to riot

President Donald Trump’s team of impeachment lawyers summoned the furious rhetorical style of their client as they began his defense Friday against what they termed a ‘sham impeachment’ they branded a ‘witch hunt.’  Lawyer Michael van der Veen came out swinging with legal arguments that appeared to channel the former Twitter rage of his client … Read more

Trump was ‘reveling’ in bloodshed of Capitol riot, say Democrats

Lead House impeachment manager Jamie Raskin called Donald Trump ‘a man who praised and encouraged and cultivated violence’ when it came to the January 6th MAGA riot on Capitol Hill. Raskin made his charge Wednesday as the prosecution began its case against the former president. Trump is charged on one count of impeachment – inciting … Read more

Democrats say Donald Trump was ‘reveling’ in the bloodshed of the MAGA riot

Lead House impeachment manager Jamie Raskin called Donald Trump ‘a man who praised and encouraged and cultivated violence’ when it came to the January 6th MAGA riot on Capitol Hill. Raskin made his charge Wednesday as the prosecution began its case against the former president. Trump is charged on one count of impeachment – inciting … Read more

Democrats say 14-minute video proves Trump should be convicted

Watch the 14-minute video of the MAGA riot Democrats say proves that Donald Trump should be convicted at his impeachment trial Democrats opened with a guy punch: a 14-minute video which overlayed Trump’s words and actions with the riot in real time Move shook up the  Trump defense team who admitted they had not expected … Read more

What to expect during Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing on Wednesday

Democrat prosecutors hoping to convince skeptical Republicans to convict Donald Trump of insurrection will begin making their arguments on Wednesday. After Tuesday’s opening arguments over the legality of the trial, which concluded with a vote to proceed, the ‘meat’ of the proceedings will begin at noon on Wednesday. Nine House Democrats, who serve as prosecutors … Read more