Barack Obama says Michelle has been ‘more relaxed and more joyful’ since they left the White House

Former President Barack Obama says that his wife Michelle has been ‘more relaxed and more joyful’ since they left the White House four years ago. The 59-year-old spoke to People magazine this week while promoting his new memoir, A Promised Land, and discussed the ‘big exhale’ they experienced after leaving office. Obama admitted that Michelle, … Read more

Scottish author Douglas Stuart wins the Booker Prize for his debut novel

Scottish author Douglas Stuart has won the Booker Prize for his first novel Shuggie Bain – a ‘powerful and moving’ story based on his own experience growing up in 1980s Glasgow. The writer, 44, is the second-ever Scot to win the £50,000 award after James Kelman scooped the prize for How Late It Was, How Late in 1994. … Read more

Barack Obama says Donald Trump is a real-life ‘Richie Rich’

Barack Obama tore into Donald Trump during an interview published Monday where he said the president is a ‘Richie Rich’ type and far from the traditional ideal of American masculinity – like John Wayne or Clint Eastwood, he noted. ‘I think about the classic male hero in American culture when you and I were growing … Read more

Barack Obama says the Queen ‘didn’t seem to mind’ when wife Michelle put arm around the monarch

Barack Obama says the Queen ‘didn’t seem to mind’ when wife Michelle committed royal faux pas by putting her arm around the monarch Barack Obama has shed light on moment  Michelle Obama broke royal protocol He said the Queen ‘didn’t seem to mind’ when wife placed her arm around her  In 2018 Mrs Obama explained … Read more

Vladimir Putin launched ‘seemingly endless’ tirade against America to Obama, book says

Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly went on a ‘seemingly endless’ 45-minute rant against the United States during his first meeting with Barack Obama in Russia. The revelation of Putin’s reported tirade was disclosed in Obama’s forthcoming memoir, ‘A Promise Land,’ which discusses the former president’s childhood days and his presidential first term up until the assassination … Read more

Barack Obama admits to leaving wife Michelle feeling ‘tense, lonely and isolated’ in White House

Barack Obama has admitted to leaving wife Michelle feeling ‘tense, lonely and isolated’ as he worked into the night while ‘crises piled up’ for his administration. The former president has revealed how tender moments faded with the First Lady as the politically poisonous cocktail of war and financial turmoil gripped his White House. The Harvard Law … Read more

Obama says Trump offered to ‘plug’ Deepwater Horizon oil leak – and build a White House ballroom

Former President Barack Obama recalled some of his early interactions with now President Donald Trump, before Trump started floating the so-called ‘birther’ conspiracy theory about Obama in the run-up to the 2012 election.  In his new book, ‘A Promised Land,’ Obama writes that during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon crisis, Trump called up White House adviser … Read more

Candace Owens accuses Obama of ‘hating America’ and says he has ‘turned his back on the country’

Candace Owens blasted Barack Obama on Thursday night, accusing him of turning his back on the country and stating that he was the only president who had ever come out of the White House ‘hating America’.  The author told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Obama’s recent comments about the Republican party and racism in the … Read more

Obama’s new book scathing on Lindsey Graham and Vladimir Putin

Barack Obama, in his forthcoming memoir, lets loose a stream of colorful adjectives to describe the foreign leaders and politicians he encountered in his eight years in the White House, not holding back in issuing his opinions. He said Russian President Vladimir Putin reminded him of the tough, street-smart ward bosses who used to run the … Read more