US Capitol riots: Barack Obama slams Trump for ‘inciting’ violence

Barack Obama weighed in on the descent on the Capitol by thousands of Trump’s supporters, claiming: ‘We’d be kidding ourselves if we treated it as a total surprise’ Barack Obama weighed in on the unprecedented breach of Capitol Hill on Wednesday by thousands of Donald Trump’s supporters, claiming the chaos is not surprising based on … Read more

Tom Hanks’ News of The World costar says he went out of his way to be helpful during tense scenes

Tom Hanks’ 12-year-old costar in his News of The World Helena Zengel says star ‘cried in every scene’ calling for her to be ’emotional’ … ahead of film’s Christmas Day debut By Adam S. Levy For Published: 02:44 GMT, 24 December 2020 | Updated: 02:44 GMT, 24 December 2020 Helena Zengel, the 12-year-old actress … Read more

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson will get vaccine ‘long after everybody who truly needs to get it gets it’

Tom Hanks says he and wife Rita Wilson will get coronavirus vaccine ‘long after everybody who truly needs to get it gets it’ By Adam S. Levy For Published: 01:16 GMT, 22 December 2020 | Updated: 01:16 GMT, 22 December 2020 Tom Hanks opened up about his plans with wife Rita Wilson to get … Read more

Obama reveals daughter Malia’s boyfriend quarantined with the family 

Obama reveals daughter Malia’s boyfriend quarantined with the family in the early days of the pandemic and caused his grocery bill to go up ‘about 30%’ as ‘young men eat’ Barack Obama revealed the family’s quarantine guest during an episode of The Bill Simmons Podcast that was released on Thursday Obama professed enjoyment for teaching … Read more

Meryl Streep reveals former POTUS Barack Obama made a mistake about her in his memoir

Meryl Streep reveals former POTUS Barack Obama made a mistake about her in his memoir: ‘He got the story a little bit wrong’ By Cassie Carpenter For Published: 17:19 GMT, 8 December 2020 | Updated: 17:53 GMT, 8 December 2020 Three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep revealed Monday night that former POTUS Barack Obama made … Read more

Obama jokes that there’s ‘so much he could have not done’ in office

Barack Obama says he misses the ‘fascinating’ work of the presidency – joking in an interview with Stephen Colbert that he’d have liked to have a ‘stand-in’ so he could carry out a third term.  In an interview to promote his new memoir, Obama said that ‘puzzling out’ the biggest political issues was ‘professionally really … Read more

Kremlin-funded Russian TV channel broadcasts Obama blackface skit

Kremlin-funded Russian TV channel broadcasts Obama blackface skit that shows the former president as a rapper in gold chains Russian film director and TV host  Tigran Keosayan featured a sketch attacking Barack Obama and his new book on his satirical news show  During the skit, a female comic appears as ‘Obama’ while dressed in blackface  Imitating … Read more

Trump is planning an event DURING president-elect’s inauguration to announce his 2024 run’

Donald Trump is said to be considering holding an event during the president-elect’s inauguration to announce his 2024 run and has boasted that he thinks the networks will continue to cover him after he leaves the White House because Joe Biden is ‘boring’. Three sources close to the president told The Daily Beast he is … Read more

Barack Obama accuses Republicans of creating ‘sense that white males are victims’

Former President Barack Obama said Republicans made white men think of themselves as victims Wednesday – and that Donald Trump’s surprise success with Hispanic voters was partly because of his appeal to evangelical voters. He explained in an interview Wednesday with The Breakfast Club that what motivates people to vote is often about ‘the stories that are … Read more

Barack Obama accuses Republicans of creating ‘sense that whit e males are victims’

Former President Barack Obama said Republicans had made white men think of themselves as victims Wednesday – and that Donald Trump’s surprise success with Hispanic voters was partly because of his appeal to evangelical voters. He explained in an interview Wednesday with The Breakfast Club that what motivates people to vote is often about ‘the stories that … Read more