Nicola Sturgeon faces fury over push for Scottish independence referendum THIS YEAR

Nicola Sturgeon faces fury as SNP renews push for Scottish independence referendum THIS YEAR despite Covid crisis and public war with Alex Salmond SNP has renewed its push for a fresh Scottish independence referendum in 2021 Nicola Sturgeon is facing fury for the separatist drive amid coronavirus crisis Support for splitting UK has been falling … Read more

Labour, Lib Dems and Tories unite to condemn Nicola Sturgeon

Scotland’s opposition parties rounded on Nicola Sturgeon today for withholding critical pieces of evidence from the inquiry that could force her resignation. Holyrood’s Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem leaders lined up to excoriate the First Minister for failing to provide the full legal advice given to the Scottish Government during its botched probe of sexual … Read more

GRAHAM GRANT: Don’t be fooled by forgetful Nicola Sturgeon’s snake oil act

It was a slick performance by a politician fighting for her job – but Nicola Sturgeon’s top priority wasn’t impressing the committee. Much of her appearance was a pitch to the ordinary punter, which accounts for some of the more emotional moments. She spoke of Alex Salmond as her former ‘bestie’, a ‘revered’ man. But … Read more

The removal van should be called to Bute House, Scottish Tory leader DOUGLAS ROSS writes

The removal van should be called to Bute House now that Sturgeon’s political career and reputation are no longer intact, Scottish Tory leader DOUGLAS ROSS writes By Douglas Ross For The Scottish Daily Mail Published: 00:22 GMT, 3 March 2021 | Updated: 02:23 GMT, 3 March 2021 Last night, a political bombshell landed. Shortly afterwards, … Read more

Sturgeon Holyrood inquiry: Devastating proof the SNP chose to ignore its OWN legal advice 

Lawyers warned the Scottish Government was heading for defeat in its court battle with Alex Salmond more than three months before it lost the case. In a major development which piles more pressure on Nicola Sturgeon, it emerged yesterday that they warned in September 2018 there was ‘a real risk that the court may be … Read more

Sturgeon Holyrood inquiry: The six questions Nicola Sturgeon MUST answer

THE SIX QUESTIONS STURGEON MUST ANSWER:  Q: Why were meetings and conversations with Alex Salmond kept secret from the public? Miss Sturgeon met her predecessor at her home on April 2, 2018, when she claimed to first become aware of the government investigation into complaints about his conduct.  She held two further meetings, on June … Read more

The documents that could sink Sturgeon: Full details of damning legal advice

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is facing calls from Opposition MSPs to resign after her Government published legal advice relating to its botched probe into allegations of sexual harassment by Alex Salmond.  Deputy First Minister John Swinney agreed to hand over legal advice under threat of a no-confidence vote, and admitted ‘reservations were raised’ by lawyers … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon hints that Scotland’s lockdown exit will be speeded up

Nicola Sturgeon hints that Scotland’s lockdown exit will be SPEEDED UP raising hopes pubs, restaurants and shops could open earlier than England as Covid cases drop Nicola Sturgeon has said the coronavirus outlook in Scotland is more ‘optimistic’ First Minister said she’s considering if the lockdown can ease ‘further and faster’ Previously slated Boris Johnson’s … Read more

SNP would NOT win new Scottish independence referendum poll

Support for Scottish independence has plummeted amid the bitter row between SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her predecessor as First Minister Alex Salmond. The majority of people in Scotland no longer want to break away from the rest of the United Kingdom following recent infighting, a bombshell survey has revealed.  The Survation poll, carried out … Read more

Boris Johnson could tell Unionists to BOYCOTT unofficial IndyRef2

Boris Johnson could tell Unionists to BOYCOTT an unofficial second Scottish independence referendum to sink Nicola Sturgeon’s hopes of splitting from the UK UK Government has to give permission for a second independence referendum  But Nicola Sturgeon has suggested in the past she could bypass Westminster Senior Tories want Boris Johnson to order Unionists to … Read more