Facebook will block terminally ill Frenchman from livestreaming his death

Facebook said on Saturday that it would block a terminally ill Frenchman from livestreaming his death on the social media platform. The platform’s announcement followed Alain Cocq saying that he would livestream his death in protest after President Emmanuel Macron turned down his request for euthanasia in a right-to-die case.  Earlier, the man announced that he will … Read more

Hundreds of anti-lockdown activists hold Edinburgh protest as Piers Corbyn attends Sheffield rally

Hundreds of anti-lockdown activists held a huge protest against wearing face masks outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh this afternoon. Around 600 coronavirus sceptics and vaccine conspiracy theorists gathered outside Hollyrood after Scotland saw its highest weekly rise in coronavirus cases since May.  Meanwhile, Piers Corbyn attended an anti-lockdown protest in Sheffield today, less than … Read more

Transgender man is the first coronavirus-positive person outside China to give birth naturally

A transgender man from Queensland has become the first person with COVID-19outside of China to give birth unassisted.  Maaike van Eijk, 43, was nine months pregnant when his partner Holly Zwalf returned from the UK unaware she had brought the killer virus with her.  When Mr van Eijk went into labour in March very little was … Read more

Armed Trump supporters gather near Churchill Downs ahead of Kentucky Derby protests

Heavily armed pro-Trump supporters in combat gear gather near Churchill Downs vowing to protect Louisville from Breonna Taylor protests during the Kentucky Derby – as spectators begin to arrive Pro-Trump activists and far-right militia members gathered at Cox Park in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday  Men dressed in military gear and armed with semi-automatic weapons were … Read more

Britain suffers 1,813 new coronavirus infections – 596 more than last Saturday’s total

Britain has confirmed 1,813 new coronavirus infections – 596 more than last Saturday’s total – with 124 new hospitalisations and 69 on ventilator beds.  Twelve people died from coronavirus in the UK within 28 days of a positive test today, bringing the country’s total number of deaths to 41,549. Meanwhile, two-thirds of new coronavirus infections in the … Read more

Trump moves to cancel racial sensitivity training because it is ‘anti-American propaganda’

President Trump is moving to end racial sensitivity training for federal government employees, claiming it is ‘divisive, anti-American propaganda’.  The Commander-in-chief took to Twitter on Saturday morning confirming he wants to cancel taxpayer funded seminars on ‘critical race theory’, describing them as ‘a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue’.   His tweet followed the release of … Read more

Boris Johnson slams Extinction Rebellion for ‘attacking free speech’

Boris Johnson has blasted Extinction Rebellion protesters for ‘attacking free speech’ after they blocked the roads outside national newspaper printing presses meaning many did not reach newsagents in time for readers. ‘A free press is vital in holding the government and other powerful institutions to account on issues critical for the future of our country, … Read more

Porsche driver, 53, is spared jail after killing cyclist when he lost control of his £50,000 car

Speeding Porsche driver, 53, is spared jail after killing cyclist when he lost control of his £50,000 car while doing 55mph in a 40mph zone David McSkimming, 53, killed cyclist in tragic collision days before Christmas  He received a suspended six-month prison sentence in Birmingham yesterday The victim, Anthony Satterthwaite, 51, died at the scene and had to … Read more

France’s health minister rules out another lockdown as country records its record daily peak

France’s health minister RULES OUT another nationwide lockdown as country records 8,975 new cases – its highest EVER – but only 28 new hospitalisations French Health Minister Olivier Veran warned France to be vigilant as cases rise  The minister ruled out that there would be the need for another lockdown ‘I cannot envision a general … Read more