Luxury home hits the market but one room in particular has garnered a lot of special attention

Now THAT’S a man cave: Luxury home hits the market but one room in particular has sparked a lot of special attention online A mutli-million dollar five-bedroom home on Sydney’s north shore is up for sale with one very unique feature   The luxury three-storey house has its own library, gym, fire place and Italian-tiled pool with … Read more

Revolting pictures show giant fatbergs caused by flushed wet wipes removed from sewers in Suffolk

Revolting pictures show giant fatbergs caused by flushed wet wipes that were removed from sewers in Suffolk The photos were taken at Fornham Water Recycling Centre in Suffolk They were posted by Anglian Water who is running a Keep It Clear campaign  Since Keep It Clear campaign began, blockages have dropped by average of 52% By … Read more

Harris speaks to Jacob Blake and meets family in Wisconsin

‘They’re an incredible family’ Kamala Harris says about meeting with Jacob Blake’s family in Milwaukee and speaking to the police shooting victim by phone during her first campaign trip to Wisconsin Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris spoke with Kenosha shooting victim Jacob Blake by phone Monday  Harris was making her first campaign trip as … Read more

Protesters who yelled at diners says the confrontation sparked after men shouted ‘Blue Lives Matter’

The protesters who were captured on video yelling at outdoor restaurant patrons said the footage was one-sided and the confrontation sparked after a group of men shouted ‘Blue Live Matter’ and one man swung a bike. The explanation from demonstrators present during Saturday’s rally in Rochester, New York, comes after footage of the incident was … Read more

23-year-old ‘was heading to the WRONG Ibis hotel after a night out’ 

The devastated family of 23-year-old Jacob Billington who was murdered on the streets of Birmingham while enjoying a night with his friends have paid tribute to ‘the light of our life’ The man murdered by a rampaging knifeman in Birmingham had been at the scene of the attack after heading to the wrong Ibis hotel after … Read more

No wonder they want to stay at home! Commuters are saving £250 a month by staying away

Commuters are saving £250 a month by working from home as the rail industry makes use of a £3.5 billion Government subsidy. Despite ministers urging Britons to return to their offices to save the high street, recent Department for Transport figures show National Rail passenger journeys at the start of September hovering around 30 per cent … Read more

‘When will you resign, then?’ UN Secretary General sparks anger with ‘patriarchy’ tweet

‘When will you resign, then?’ UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres sparks anger with Tweet saying ‘male-dominated culture damages everyone’ The UN published part of a speech by Secretary General António Guterres  The post has drawn 13,000 responses – many of which voice disagreement Twitter users called on Mr Guterres to resign; others called to ‘defund … Read more

Digital reconstruction of 15th-Century monk’s face show he looked like an elderly Wayne Rooney 

Haven’t we seen Roo before? Digital reconstruction of 15th-Century Benedictine monk’s face show he looked like an elderly Wayne Rooney Image of medieval Benedictine abbot was constructed from well-preserved skull Abbot John of Wheathampstead’s is second face from 15th-century to be seen  Digitally reconstructed images show the abbot faintly resembles Wayne Rooney  Experts put together … Read more