Did Trump test positive BEFORE he went to New Jersey fundraiser for 100 people?

WHEN PRECISELY WAS HE DIAGNOSED WITH COVID-19?   We now have had three different versions of when Trump was diagnosed from the White House, ranging from Wednesday morning to Friday at 1am. The White House has also not said what ‘diagnosed’ means – it could mean spotting clinical symptoms or testing positive. The White House first … Read more

Now NINE officials are confirmed to have COVID-19 after attending ‘superspreader’ SCOTUS event

Nine people who attended Amy Coney Barrett’s ceremonial nomination to the Supreme Court on Saturday have now tested positive for COVID-19 – giving rise to fears that it was a ‘super-spreader event’. Former New Jersey Gov Chris Christie and Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien were the latest attendees to confirm they have tested positive for the virus. … Read more

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said he feared Boris Johnson would die after contracting coronavirus

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has revealed he feared Boris Johnson would die after the Conservative leader was admitted to hospital with coronavirus. The Prime Minister was taken into intensive care in April after his Covid-19 symptoms worsened while being treated at St Thomas’ hospital in central London. Mr Raab deputised for the Prime Minister during … Read more

Police set up traffic stops on major roads into Madrid in travel lockdown

Police set up controls and stopped cars on major roads into and out of Madrid on Saturday as the city went back into lockdown due to surging coronavirus cases. Some 4.8 million people are barred from leaving the capital area, while restaurants and bars must shut early and reduce capacity by half. The new restrictions, … Read more

Ballymena fire: Heartbroken mother reveals the last words her daughter told her were ‘I love you’

A heartbroken mother has revealed the last words her daughter, 12, told her were ‘I love you’ before she died in a Ballymena house fire. Brooke Reid McMaster, 12, was trapped and screaming for help as flames ripped through her home on Wednesday evening. Her devastated mother, Martha McMaster, 38, spoke to Brooke just hours … Read more

Chris Christie tests positive for COVID after helping Trump prepare for debate

Former New Jersey Gov Chris Christie has said he has tested positive for coronavirus, after helping President Trump prepare for Tuesday’s presidential debate. Christie tweeted: ‘I just received word that I am positive for COVID-19. I want to thank all of my friends and colleagues who have reached out to ask how I was feeling … Read more