How and why our experts would invest £1,000 in the New Year

Brian Dennehy, Fundexpert: Fly with British Airways ‘I would invest in International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG) – British Airways in old money. This share, listed in London, should be a reasonably straightforward way to double your money in 2021. ‘Why? Well, there is massive pent-up demand for holidays while IAG shares are an obvious target for … Read more

Investing: Here’s where our team plans to put its money in 2021

Jeff Prestridge  ‘I speak to at least one investment manager every week. Invariably, they impress me with their knowledge but no one has impressed more over the past year than Christopher Lees, manager of investment fund JO Hambro Capital Management Global Select. ‘Here is a manager who is meticulous about the companies he invests in. … Read more


AVIVA INVESTORS GLOBAL EQUITY ENDURANCE: Young fund passes its test By Jeff Prestridge for The Mail on Sunday Published: 22:16 GMT, 26 December 2020 | Updated: 23:01 GMT, 26 December 2020 Investment fund Aviva Investors Global Equity Endurance has just ‘celebrated’ its third anniversary.  And although tier 4 restrictions in the South East prevented the … Read more

Airbus in plan to build thousands of broadband satellites in UK

A venture to create a constellation of satellites to boost superfast global broadband is considering plans to bring its manufacturing across the Atlantic to Britain.  Sources said executives behind the British Government-backed OneWeb last week briefed civil servants on the merits of moving production of the fleet of thousands of satellites from Florida to the … Read more