Melania Trump’s chief of staff says the First Lady is ‘doing well’ after COVID-19 diagnosis

BREAKING NEWS: Melania Trump’s chief of staff says the First Lady is ‘doing well’, resting and keeping in constant contact with her husband in Walter Reed after she tested positive for COVID First Lady Melania Trump is reportedly ‘doing well’ following her COVID-19 diagnosis early Friday  ‘Mrs. Trump is doing well. Her symptoms have not … Read more

President Trump is airlifted to hospital for COVID treatment with ‘nuclear football’

Donald Trump’s ‘nuclear football’, the briefcase which could trigger doomsday, was loaded onto Marine One alongside the President as he was airlifted to hospital for coronavirus treatment.  The leader of the western world is always followed by the case – officially called the Presidential Emergency Satchel – and a military aide wherever he goes so … Read more

Kellyanne Conway’s daughter reveals on TikTok that her mom has tested positive for coronavirus 

President Donald Trump‘s former adviser Kellyanne Conway has tested positive for the coronavirus. The news was first revealed by her teenage daughter Claudia in a TikTok video but Conway later took to Twitter to confirm.     It comes days after Conway attended a White House event that is now linked to at least seven other COVID-19 … Read more

Barack Obama says he and Michelle wish Donald and Melania Trump speedy recovery

Barack Obama says he and Michelle wish Donald and Melania Trump a speedy recovery and asserts that ‘in the midst of political battles we are all Americans’ President Obama, together with his wife Michelle, have sent their best wishes for a ‘speedy recovery’ to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump  ‘It’s important for … Read more

White House testing is revealed as fiasco

White House testing is revealed as fiasco – but is STILL being used as proof aides are ‘negative’ for COVID while masks for most workers will still be considered a ‘personal choice’ The White House’s testing infrastructure as the president, first lady, White House staff and several reporters have tested positive for the coronavirus  The … Read more

Will Mike Pence be sworn in? New constitutional question as Donald Trump starts hospital stay

President Donald Trump’s sudden trip to the Walter Reed medical facility raised immediate constitutional questions – as the president prepared for an extended hospital stay just weeks before the election. It was set to be the first extended hospital stay for a sitting U.S. president since the shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. It was … Read more

Constitutional questions mount: Can Donald Trump be replaced on the ballot?

President Donald Trump’s positive test for the coronavirus set off cascading effects through the chain of government – and raises a raft of constitutional issues should he endure a difficult illness or lose his battle with the disease. The Constitution and laws enacted by Congress provide for a line of succession, as well as provisions … Read more

What could White House doctors treat Trump with?

As president, Donald Trump is sure to get the most promising treatments for COVID-19 – but only a handful have shown promise to bat back the devastating disease.  Since announcing that he and first lady Melania Trump announced they had tested positive for coronavirus late Thursday night, the president has begun exhibiting mild ‘cold-like’ symptoms, … Read more

Plane spotters see a pair of E-6B Mercury planes as Trump announced his COVID diagnosis 

Two military ‘Doomsday planes’ were seen flying along both US coasts on the morning President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump announced they had tested positive for the novel coronavirus. One Boeing E-6B Mercury was spotted along the East Coast near Washington, DC while the other was observed above Oregon.  These planes typically carry … Read more

‘Still think it’s a hoax?’ Internet reacts to Trump and announcing he has coronavirus on Twitter

The internet has ridiculed Donald Trump and wife Melania after the President and First Lady announced that they had tested positive for Covid-19 on Twitter.  Celebrities also took swipes at Trump who has sought to downplay the virus and who, during Tuesday night’s debate in Ohio, mocked Joe Biden for wearing ‘the biggest mask I’ve … Read more