England will need ANOTHER tiered lockdown after Dec 2, Chris Whitty says

The Foreign Secretary admitted the blanket national intervention was ‘reluctantly’ accepted as a last-ditch attempt to get a grip on the second wave Dominic Raab today claimed England will resort to the whack-a-mole strategy of fighting coronavirus outbreaks when the national lockdown ends on December 2.  The Foreign Secretary admitted the blanket national intervention — … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Hopes curve ‘flattening’ with cases 12.5% down

Signs that the second wave of coronavirus could be making a turn began to make an appearance today as the UK recorded a 12.5 per cent decrease in the number of people testing positive.  The Department of Health figures, which initially were delayed in their release, saw a further 20,018 people test positive for the … Read more

UK records 12.5% FEWER coronavirus cases than last Tuesday

AT A GLANCE: HOW VALLANCE AND WHITTY DEFENDED THE LOCKDOWN SATURDAY’S GLOOMY SLIDES The pair admitted what one MP called the ‘avalanche of data’ they presented in Saturday’s briefing may have been too much to handle for the public.  Sir Patrick said: ‘I would always like to get things simpler than they were and clearer … Read more

Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance defend their ‘4,000 deaths a day’ dossier

AT A GLANCE: HOW VALLANCE AND WHITTY DEFENDED THE LOCKDOWN SATURDAY’S GLOOMY SLIDES The pair admitted what one MP called the ‘avalanche of data’ they presented in Saturday’s briefing may have been too much to handle for the public.  Sir Patrick said: ‘I would always like to get things simpler than they were and clearer … Read more

Top researchers say Britain’s R rate has dropped to 1

Fears England may have jumped the gun with a second national lockdown grew today after top scientists claimed the R rate has already dropped to the crucial level of one and that Covid-19 cases are actually ‘flatlining’. King’s College London academics, who have been tracking the size of the coronavirus outbreak since the summer, argued … Read more

Scottish Tory leader slams Boris Johnson’s performance during Covid crisis

The Scottish Tory leader has warned that Boris Johnson is fuelling support for independence and must ‘reflect’ on his performance during the pandemic. Douglas Ross said the PM was a worse communicator than Nicola Sturgeon, amid mounting concern about the separatist drive north of the border. The bruising comments came as the Scottish Conservatives move … Read more

Boris Johnson insists England’s Covid lockdown WILL end next month

Second lockdown WILL end next month, Boris Johnson insists as he faces a major Tory rebellion over new restrictions Boris Johnson insisted last night that second lockdown will end next month Prime Minister made comments during a two-hour grilling in the Commons Warned course of action is only way to head off ‘medical and moral … Read more

Was lockdown sold on a LIE? Oxford scientist says 4,000 deaths graph should NOT have been used

A graph showed during the Prime Minister’s address saying Britain will have 4,000 deaths a day by December was ‘proven to be incorrect’ and ‘four weeks out of date’, an Oxford University scientist has warned. Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Carl Heneghan said mathematically the document should not have been used to justify the … Read more

Speaker Lindsay Hoyle demands apology if MP leaked PM’s lockdown plan

Timeline of the PM’s lockdown decision  Friday, 7am: Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab begins a round of broadcast interviews defending the government’s ‘Tiered’ system of local lockdowns.   Friday 2.30pm: Sir Patrick Vallance underlines SAGE’s support for a national lockdown at a briefing with reporters, suggesting it was getting late to arrest the spike in cases before Christmas. … Read more

Keir Starmer roasts Johnson for ignoring scientists’ lockdown advice for WEEKS

Key points in COVID lockdown Mark 2  Restrictions will start at midnight on Thursday morning and last until December 2.  People can only leave their homes for specific reasons, such as to do essential shopping, for outdoor exercise, and for work if they are unable to work from home. Non-essential shops will be told to shut, … Read more