Michael Gove says hospitals in England would be overwhelmed if new Tiers are not brought in

Michael Gove has warned that every hospital in England would be overwhelmed with Covid-19 cases if new lockdown tiers are not introduced.  The Cabinet Office Minister urged MPs to ‘take responsibility for difficult decisions’ to curb the spread of Covid-19, amid anger from some Conservatives that much of England will face stringent restrictions. Mr Gove … Read more

Rishi Sunak slammed for not facing MPs over Covid Spending Review

Rishi Sunak is under fire after REFUSING to appear in front of MPs to answer questions on his controversial Spending Review as the Chancellor ‘faces questions over his family’s finances’ Spending Review sparked major controversy as Rishi Sunak cut foreign aid Treasury Select Committee asked the Chancellor to come and answer questions But Mr Sunak … Read more

Boris Johnson appoints Dan Rosenfield as new No10 chief of staff

Boris Johnson drafts in former Treasury aide Dan Rosenfield who worked for George Osborne as new No10 chief of staff after Dominic Cummings ousting Boris Johnson has appointed Dan Rosenfield as his new Downing St chief of staff  The move comes after power struggle that saw Dominic Cummings ousted Mr Rosenfield worked in the Treasury … Read more

Conservative MPs warn Boris Johnson against Tier 3 London lockdown

Will the lockdown end next week? Yes. Boris Johnson has confirmed today that the lockdown will end on December 2 – next Wednesday – and it is thought this will come into effect at 00.01am that day.  What will replace the lockdown?  The lockdown will be replaced by a system of regional restrictions in three … Read more

Conservatives tend to favor personal experience over scientific expertise, study reveals 

Conservatives are more likely to put anecdotal experience and empirical evidence on equal footing, according to a recent study. Researchers presented nearly 1,000 participants with articles debunking popular theories on gambling, new age medicine and personality tests. Although all the articles included scientific experts disproving the theory, they also included dissenting opinions from non-experts who … Read more

Foreign aid cuts: David Cameron and Tony Blair warn Boris Johnson

David Cameron said Boris Johnson‘s rumoured plan to cut Britain’s foreign aid spending by £5billion would be a ‘moral, strategic and political’ error – while Tony Blair has slammed the proposals as ‘a profound strategic mistake’. Intervention from the two former Prime Ministers follows reports that Boris Johnson is planning on slashing the £15billion international development budget to … Read more

Public sector cuts: Boris Johnson teachers’ pay rise pledge in doubt

Boris Johnson‘s election pledge to pay newly qualified teachers £30,000 is in doubt despite unions threatening industrial action and warning of an ‘exodus’ from the profession. Rishi Sunak is preparing a ‘pay restraint’ across the public sector, despite the £6,000 pay rise being a key policy in the 2019 Tory manifesto. Johnson had pledged to … Read more

Boris Johnson facing growing Tory revolt over coronavirus strategy

Boris Johnson is facing a growing Tory revolt over coronavirus rules as senior Conservative backbenchers today demanded he set out a strategy to avoid a cycle of national lockdowns.  Tory MPs in the so-called Covid Recovery Group (CRG) cautiously welcomed the prospect of the Government loosening restrictions over the Christmas period.  But they warned that … Read more

‘BAME is a useless term’ says Centre for Social Justice think-tank

A council has been accused of being ‘racist’ for trying to rename a Plymouth square honouring slave trader and naval commander Sir John Hawkins after the city’s black football legend Jack Leslie. During the summer Plymouth City Council proposed renaming Sir John Hawkins Square after the Plymouth Argyle player who is the club’s fourth highest … Read more

Fury as Boris Johnson says Scottish devolution was a ‘disaster’

Boris Johnson was today accused of doing the SNP’s work for them after he stormed that devolution had been been a ‘disaster’. The PM is facing the fury of unionists after the venting his frustration at surging support for independence north of the border – blaming Tony Blair for handing powers to Holyrood. A jubilant Nicola Sturgeon immediately … Read more