Rishi Sunak extends furlough scheme by a month until MAY

Rishi Sunak raised fears coronavirus curbs could drag on longer as he dramatically extended the furlough scheme for another month. The Chancellor said the huge bailout will now continue until the end of April to give businesses ‘certainty’, while firms will be able to access emergency loans until the end of March. He also confirmed … Read more

Rishi Sunak extends furlough scheme to end of April

Rishi Sunak today raised fears coronavirus curbs could drag on longer as he dramatically extended the furlough scheme for another month. The Chancellor said the huge coronavirus bailout will now continue until the end of April to give businesses ‘certainty’, while firms will be able to access loans until the end of March. He also … Read more

Covid-19 UK: Fears over new NHS vaccination identity card

Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccination ID card is an attempt to impose a ‘freedom pass’ on the British people that could infringe the civil liberties of millions and lead to a black market in fakes if pubs, theatres and restaurants demand to see them, dissenting Tory MPs told MailOnline today. Every Briton will be handed a card proving … Read more

Matt Hancock hints again that low-infection areas WILL be downgraded in two weeks

Matt Hancock today delivered another hint that low-infection areas will see lockdown downgraded by December 16 as the government reels from a huge Tory revolt. The new tiers system for England came into force at midnight after the Commons approved it by 291 to 78 – but the healthy majority masked a disaster for Boris … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson’s tiers come into force despite Tory rebellion

Boris Johnson got his brutal post-lockdown tiers approved by the Commons last night thanks to Sir Keir Starmer’s tacit support after suffering the biggest Tory revolt of this Parliament as more than 50 Tories defied the whip.  The new three-tier system was signed off by a margin of 291 to 78 and came into force … Read more

Matt Hancock emotional as he reveals he lost family member to Covid

Matt Hancock chokes back tears in the House of Commons as he reveals his step-grandfather died of Covid last month as the Health Secretary issues an emotional plea for people to stick to new rules Matt Hancock revealed in House of Commons his step-grandfather died of Covid Health Secretary said his family member had caught … Read more

PM’s brutal lockdown tiers are APPROVED in the Commons

Boris Johnson’s brutal lockdown tiers were approved by the Commons tonight despite a major Tory revolt at the ‘back of fag packet’ curbs, The new system was signed off by a margin of 291 to 78 and will come into force tomorrow after Labour opted to abstain, complaining the regime was not tough enough and … Read more

Coronavirus lockdown England: Boris Johnson faces revolt over Tiers

Boris Johnson pleaded with mutinous Tories to back the ‘compelling’ case for his new tiers today amid claims of back-room deals and promises. The PM struck a compromise tone as he opened the debate ahead of a crunch vote this evening, with up to 100 thought to be ready to rebel. In a key signal, … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Why has Michael Gove turned into such a zealot for lockdowns?

Michael Gove is to the Tory Party what Mikhail Suslov was to the Soviet Communist Party in the 1960s and 1970s. Chief ideologue and brainbox. But whereas Suslov was a hardliner and extreme authoritarian, Mr Gove was, until recently, seen as a social liberal and libertarian. One did not associate him with the expansion of … Read more

Sir Keir Starmer takes the lead as the PM fights Tory revolt

Sir Keir Starmer takes the lead with MoS poll putting Laboue leader at 38% and Boris Johnson at 37% amid growing fears for the economy and nearly two thirds opposing ‘Save Christmas’ plan Labour overtakes the Conservatives for first time since in more than 18 months Deltapoll survey puts Labour on 38 per cent with … Read more