Impatient driver speeds along the pavement on the wrong side of road to beat the traffic 

Shocking moment impatient driver speeds along the pavement on the wrong side of road to beat the traffic Dashcam footage shows the silver convertible Renault Megane mounting kerb Car speeds along the residential street in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham Oncoming vehicles continue to drive towards it – narrowly avoiding collision By Raven Saunt For Mailonline Published: … Read more

Council hands out USED Covid testing swab kits by mistake to students

Five students are in quarantine after taking used coronavirus swab tests which were mistakenly handed out as part of a local testing scheme, a fellow undergraduate said today. Seven households in Selly Oak, Birmingham were given the used kits as part of Birmingham City Council’s ‘drop and collect’ service on Tuesday.  Students were ‘shocked and worried’ … Read more

Birmingham shisha bar is fined £10,000 for flouting Covid rules after police find 250 crammed inside

A shisha bar has been fined £10,000 after police body-cam footage captured hundreds of people crammed inside the venue. Workers at Kasablanca Shisha Lounge in Birmingham can be seen trying to close the shutters on officers as they arrived at the premises on September 30. The nightspot also turned their music off and told customers … Read more

Black quantity surveyor sues employer for race discrimination

A black quantity surveyor is suing a consultancy firm for race discrimination claiming she was held back for promotion in favour of her white colleges. Shannice Richards-Hargreaves worked for project and programme management consultancy Faithful+Gould in Birmingham and then London. She told an employment tribunal that white associate director Dervla Duffy – who worked in the … Read more

Notebook with confidential intelligence on gang members stolen from West Midlands police car

England’s second biggest police force has been accused of jeopardising lives after a notebook packed with confidential intelligence on gangs was stolen from a police car. The information includes details of West Midlands police operations and a list of people associated or in the orbit of gangs. The notebook remains missing more than four months … Read more

Virtual reality objects you can FEEL are a step closer thanks to new ‘universal law of touch’ 

Virtual reality objects you can FEEL just like on Star Trek’s holodeck move a step closer thanks to new ‘universal law of touch’ Birmingham researchers studied ‘Rayleigh waves’ generated from skin touch They found these waves are picked up by the body’s touch receptor cells  The way the waves interact has led to the creation … Read more

Six student housemates – who’ve ALL tested positive –  describe the ‘hell’ of having to quarantine

A group of Birmingham University students – who’ve all tested positive for Covid – say they feel like they’ve been ‘caged’ after being forced to self-isolate in their student digs for two weeks.     Second year students Zack Cohen, Louis Shaw, Rafi Jacobs, Michael Abram – all from North London but studying at the Midlands University – … Read more

Having a vitamin D deficiency could make you more likely to catch Covid-19, another study claims 

Further proof that vitamin D could protect people from coronavirus emerged today after a study found adults deficient in the nutrient are more at risk of catching the disease.  Seventy-two per cent of NHS workers who were lacking in the ‘sunshine vitamin’ also tested positive for Covid-19 antibodies — a sign of previous infection. This compared to … Read more

Scientist is fined £105 for taking part in eco protests at printing site that cost publishers £1.2m 

Scientist is fined £105 for taking part in eco protests at printing site that cost publishers £1.2m Dr Janna Goldstein was among more than 50 activists who blockaded print plant Protest took place in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, to highlight ‘climate crisis’ The illegal protest prevented 1,100 retailers from receiving newspapers  By Andrew Levy For The Daily … Read more