Andy Murray gets furious in crazy golf ‘relaxing zone’ at US Open

Turning the air blue! Andy Murray’s X-rated rants caught on camera when he misses crazy golf shots and cornhole tosses in the US Open’s ‘relaxing zone’ for players Andy Murray has been testing the new ‘relaxing zone’ for players at the US Open  The area includes a crazy golf course, a section for cornhole tosses … Read more

Queen WINS legal battle to stop Prince Charles’ ex employee from trademarking ‘The Royal Butler’

Queen WINS legal battle to stop Prince Charles’ ex employee from trademarking the name ‘The Royal Butler’ for his etiquette training business Grant Harrold had wanted to call his etiquette training firm ‘The Royal Butler’ But Queen’s lawyers took action after learning of his trademark attempt Mr Harrold, who worked for Prince Charles, has lost … Read more

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs – suggesting they are more similar to us than previously thought Elephant handlers were asked to yawn, fake yawn and make mouth movements  They ‘caught a yawn’ whenever the handlers yawned for real or fake yawned  Before this only chimps and dogs had … Read more

Walkers create 35ft long Wotsit that is world’s LONGEST puffed corn snack weighing half-a-pound

WotZILLA! Walkers create 35ft long Wotsit that is world’s LONGEST puffed corn snack weighing half-a-pound The giant Wotsit, nicknamed Wotzilla, is nearly 35ft long and weighs half a pound The crisp didn’t fit in any of Walkers’ ovens and needed six people to hold it up Walkers broke the record to celebrate the national roll-out … Read more

Mother goes for a walk on Boeing 737’s WING to ‘get some air’ while waiting to disembark in Ukraine

Mother goes for a walk on Boeing 737’s WING to ‘get some air’ because she was ‘too hot’ while waiting to disembark in Ukraine A woman climbed onto the wing of a plane when landing in Kyiv from Antalya Videos show the women stalling on the wing before climbing back in the cabin The mother-of-two was banned from … Read more