Money and mental health: Listen to the Women & Money podcast

Money and mental health on the Women & Money podcast: Coping with redundancy, loss of income, and working from home alone or with kids

The past year has put a terrible strain everyone – our physical health, our finances and our mental health. 

While talking about having a bit of a cold or a persistent chest infection has long been a famous pastime of the British, being open about financial struggles and the debilitating anxiety they can lead to has only very recently begun to shed its taboo status. 

Mercifully, society is becoming – slowly – better at admitting when debt or the loss of a job is piling pressure on, and when help to cope is needed. 

Being open about financial struggles and the debilitating anxiety they can lead to is only very recently being spoken about openly

In this episode of the Women & Money Podcast, Fidelity investment director Maike Currie and This is Money knowledge and product editor Sarah Davidson are joined by Leah Milner, money journalist and mental health campaigner, to discuss the relationship between money and our mental wellbeing. 

With the impact of COVID-19 heightening the concerns that many people have, we explore the steps people can take to feel more in control.

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast now.