HOROSCOPES: Don’t worry about keeping others apart this week, Leo

HOROSCOPES: Don’t worry about keeping others apart this week, Leo

Leo 24 JULY-23 AUG The Sun in Leo gives you an edge over the opposition, but a tricky Venus-Neptune link warns that you will not be able to keep a loved one away from a certain person. The attraction is too strong. Don’t worry: even if it ends in tears it will be a lesson worth learning. CALL 0904 470 1165

Virgo 24 AUG-23 SEPT What lies ahead is more exciting than what lies behind – so stop looking over your shoulder, wishing you were somewhere else. There are so many interesting things going on around you that could make you happy if only you looked to the future. CALL 0904 470 1166*

Libra 24 SEPT-23 OCT Sometimes you can impose your will on others but current cosmic forces make it unlikely that a loved one will do as you say. It doesn’t matter if your way is best – what counts is that they have room to express themselves. Try not to smile if they fail. CALL 0904 470 1167*

Scorpio 24 OCT-22 NOV You seem to be in one of those moods where you’re tempted to pack a few possessions, hit the road and never come back. It may be a nice idea but you know you won’t really mean it. Stay and fight your corner – it might be tough but you will win in the end. CALL 0904 470 1168*

Sagittarius 23 NOV-21 DEC There’s a risk you will be taken in by a sob story this week and commit yourself to providing financial help. Do something practical to alleviate their plight by all means but promise cash and you’re inviting them to come back every time they need a little extra. CALL 0904 470 1169*


Capricorn 22 DEC-20 JAN Friends or relatives may be a burden on you this week but under no circumstances let them know how you feel. Their confidence is low enough without having to worry that they have upset you as well. Play the Good Samaritan: you’ll all feel better for it. CALL 0904 470 1170*

Aquarius 21 JAN-19 FEB Take extra care of your health this week. It’s not that anything is likely to go wrong but the aspects are such that you could easily overdo it – socially as much as at work. By all means have fun but respect your limits, as well as those of others. CALL 0904 470 1171*

Pisces 20 FEB-20 MARCH Why are you so afraid to ask for advice? Could it be that you think you’ll be told the one thing you don’t want to hear? If that is the case you probably already know what to do but don’t want to do it. Be brave: such things are never as painful as we fear. CALL 0904 470 1172*

Aries 21 MARCH-20 APRIL You like to think of yourself as logical but even Ariens have times when their emotions get the better of them and this could be such a time. Whatever a loved one says or does this week, it’s vital you don’t overreact. Stay calm even if you’re seething inside. CALL 0904 470 1161*

Taurus 21 APRIL-21 MAY You may be flattered by someone’s attention this week but be on your guard. With affectionate Venus, your ruler, at odds with duplicitous Neptune there’s a small but significant chance that someone is trying to win you over to further their own interests. CALL 0904 470 1162*

Gemini 22 MAY-21 JUNE There is just one more emotional or financial hurdle to overcome before you’re free to chart a new course through life. It really does not matter how you deal with this so long as you make a decision and stick to it. Could be quite a challenge for a Gemini! CALL 0904 470 1163*

Cancer 22 JUNE-23 JULY No doubt you expect others to follow your lead and do what you say – and no doubt you can persuade them to do so. But don’t come on too strong or you could create ill feeling. And that would be silly considering how much goodwill you command just now. CALL 0904 470 1164*

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*For a fuller forecast, call the number next to your star sign above. Calls cost 65p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and will last no longer than 6 minutes. SP: DMG Mobile & TV. Helpline: 0808 272 0808