Policewoman stabbed to death inside police station in France before attacker is shot and killed 

A female police worker in France has been killed by a knifeman who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before he was shot dead by her colleagues.

The 49-year-old mother-of-two was slashed in the throat by the Tunisian on Friday afternoon as she worked in the main police station in the Paris suburb of Rambouillet.

The administrative agent, who had worked for the police since 1993, had recently returned from her lunch break and had ‘popped out of the station to change her parking disc on her car’ when she was pounced on by the attacker in the lobby. 

A female police worker in France has been killed by a knifeman who was then shot dead by her colleagues. Pictured: officers stand near the police station after the attack

Rambouillet is a quiet commune southwest of Paris and is known for its famous historic chateau

Rambouillet is a quiet commune southwest of Paris and is known for its famous historic chateau

France’s counter-terrorism unit has taken over the investigation into the killing. 

The attacker is understood to be a 36-year-old of Tunisian nationality having arrived in France in 2009 and given leave to remain in 2019.

He was not previously known to police or anti-terrorist authorities and had recently moved to Rambouillet having previously lived in the Val-de-Marne.  

Rambouillet is a quiet and leafy commune southwest of Paris and is known for its historic chateau. 

‘The attack happened just after 2pm,’ said an investigating source. ‘The administrative officer was pounced on by the man, who slit her throat with a knife.

‘The assailant was shot dead by police officers soon afterwards, as efforts were made to save the victim.’

Yvan Assioma, of the Alliance Police Union, said his colleague ‘died at the scene’, describing her as a ‘mother of two children who was aged 49.’ 

The attacker was not previously known to police or anti-terrorist authorities and had recently moved to Rambouillet having previously lived in the Val-de-Marne

The attacker was not previously known to police or anti-terrorist authorities and had recently moved to Rambouillet having previously lived in the Val-de-Marne

The French prime minister Jean Castex headed to the police station this afternoon following the attack, and he said in a statement: ‘The Republic has just lost one of its daily heroines in a barbaric act of infinite cowardice.

‘To her relatives, I offer my support on behalf of the entire nation. To our security forces, I want to tell them I share their emotion and their indignation. 

Marine Le Pen said: ‘The same horrors keep happening, the same infinite sadness when thinking of the relatives and colleagues of this policewoman, the same profiles of people who are guilty of this barbarism, the same Islamist motives…

‘We can’t take it anymore.’ 

The 49-year-old mother-of-two was slashed in the throat by the Tunisian on Friday afternoon as she worked

The 49-year-old mother-of-two was slashed in the throat by the Tunisian on Friday afternoon as she worked

Local MP Aurore Bergé, said: ‘Whenever our law enforcement agencies are attacked, it is France that is attacked. Rambouillet is a town that is not at all used to being subjected to violence.

‘This reminds us that our law enforcement agencies put their lives at risk every morning when they go to work.’

It follows six years of savage Islamist attacks in France, including the beheading of schoolteacher Samuel Paty by a Russian-born terrorist in October last year.

The deadliest single terrorist attack ever in the country came in November 2015 when 130 people were killed in Paris.

Suicide bombers pledging allegiance to ISIS targeted the Stade de France, cafes, restaurants and the Bataclan music venue, where 90 died.

The administrative agent, who had worked for the police since 1993, had recently returned from her lunch break when she was attacked

The administrative agent, who had worked for the police since 1993, had recently returned from her lunch break when she was attacked

Yvan Assioma, of the Alliance Police Union, said his unidentified colleagues 'died at the scene', describing her as a 'mother of two children who was aged 49'

Yvan Assioma, of the Alliance Police Union, said his unidentified colleagues ‘died at the scene’, describing her as a ‘mother of two children who was aged 49’

Earlier in the year, two Paris-born gunmen linked to Al-Qaeda broke into the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine, leaving 12 dead and 11 wounded.

In July 2016, 86 people were killed and more than 400 injured when a 19-tonne truck was deliberately driven into crowds on the seafront promenade at Nice, in the South of France.

The terrorist turned out to be a radicalised Tunisian immigrant who was shot dead by police.

During the same month, two Isis terrorists murdered an 86-year-old Catholic priest during a church service in Normandy.

There have been frequent knife attacks on the forces of law and order, leading to the deaths of serving police.

In October 2019, a radicalised computer operative working at the Paris Prefecture in central Paris stabbed four of his colleagues to death.

The attacker – who was also shot dead – turned out to be a Muslim convert who kept extremist Al-Qaeda and Islamic State literature and images on his computer.  

France’s string of savage terror attacks

  • October 29, 2020 – A knife-wielding Tunisian man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is Greatest) beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a church in the French city of Nice before being shot and taken away by police.
  • October 16, 2020 – School teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded on the street of a Paris suburb. Paty had shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a class on freedom of expression, angering some Muslim parents. Muslims believe that any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous. Police shot dead the 18-year-old attacker of Chechen origin.
  • September 15, 2020 – Two people were stabbed and wounded in Paris near the former offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine, where Islamist militants carried out a deadly attack in 2015. A man originally from Pakistan was arrested over the attack.
  • October 3, 2019 – Mickael Harpon, 45, an IT specialist with security clearance to work in the Paris police headquarters, killed three police officers and one civilian employee before being shot dead by police. He had converted to Islam 10 years earlier.
  • March 23, 2018 – A gunman killed three people in southwestern France after holding up a car, firing on police and taking hostages in a supermarket. Security forces stormed the building and killed him.
  • July 26, 2016 – Two attackers killed a priest and seriously wounded another hostage in a church in northern France before being shot dead by police. Francois Hollande, France’s president at the time, said the hostage-takers had pledged allegiance to Islamic State.
  • July 14, 2016 – A gunman drove a heavy truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice, killing 86 people and injuring scores more in an attack claimed by Islamic State. The attacker was identified as a Tunisian-born Frenchman.
  • June 14, 2016 – A Frenchman of Moroccan origin stabbed a police commander to death outside his home in a Paris suburb and killed his partner, who also worked for the police. The attacker told police he was answering an appeal by Islamic State.
  • November 13, 2015 – Paris was rocked by multiple gun and bomb attacks on entertainment sites around the city, in which 130 people were killed and 368 wounded. Islamic State said it was responsible. Two of the 10 known perpetrators were Belgian citizens and three were French.
  • January 7-9, 2015 – Two Islamist militant gunmen broke into satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo’s offices on Jan. 7 and killed 12 people. Another militant killed a policewoman the next day and took hostages at a supermarket on Jan. 9, killing four before police shot him dead.