Woman reveals how she lost her hair due to stress and how JSHealth vitamins fixed her hair

Young woman who suffered shocking hair loss due to extreme stress reveals how she finally got her locks to start growing back again – and the results speak for themselves

  • A woman from the UK has revealed how she lost chunks of hair due to stress
  • Camilla saw naturopaths and tried dozens of treatments to get her hair back
  • She then tried vitamins from Australian brand JSHealth and her hair grew back
  • In five months her hair all but recovered – she has now shared before and afters 
  • JSHealth’s expansion has been successful, they now have a global community 

A young woman has revealed how she lost huge chunks of her hair due to stress, and struggled to find a remedy for the startling loss of her once healthy locks. 

Camilla, who doesn’t want her last name to be shared, told Daily Mail Australia she began losing her hair last May during the UK’s strict months-long lock down.

The woman who lives in London worked with naturopaths over zoom, tried caffeine shampoos, changed her diet and took up to 26 supplements a day to try to make her hair stop falling out.

But nothing worked and the supplements just made her feel nauseous.   

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Camilla, who doesn't want her last name to be shared, told Daily Mail Australia she began losing her hair last May during the UK's strict months-long lock down

A young woman has revealed how she lost huge chunks of her hair due to stress, and struggled to find a remedy for the startling loss of her once healthy locks.

Camilla, who doesn't want her last name to be shared, told Daily Mail Australia she began losing her hair last May during the UK's strict months-long lock down

Camilla, who doesn’t want her last name to be shared, told Daily Mail Australia she began losing her hair last May during the UK’s strict months-long lock down

‘It was very stressful not knowing if it would get worse or grow back at all or even stay like that forever,’ she said.

At first Camilla didn’t worry too much, the fast-developing bald patch could be hidden as it was at the back of her head and she was stuck at home so no one could see her anyway.

But as the strict lock down measures began to relax and Camilla was able to head back outside and see her friends she became self conscious.

And her hair was still falling out.

By late August the top of the young woman’s head started shedding making her hair loss impossible to hide. 

‘That was the worst for me as it was visible to friends and we were out of lock down around the summertime and I was socialising more which made me more conscious of it,’ she admitted.

She also revealed she nearly bought a wig to hide her hair loss.

Camilla was ‘at the end of her tether’ when she came across the JSHealth hair and energy vitamins – and figured she should give them a go.

She has describe the pills as ‘life savers’ and shown off her amazing new hair, noting she no longer has any baldness.

Camilla was 'at the end of her tether' when she came across the JSHealth hair and energy vitamins - and figured she should give them a go

She has describe the pills as 'life savers' and shown off her amazing new hair, noting she no longer has any baldness.

She has describe the pills as ‘life savers’ and shown off her amazing new hair, noting she no longer has any baldness.

What’s in the hair and energy vitamins?

‘Our hair-growth vitamin contains the signature JSHealth Kelp, which is exclusively trademarked to us, so you can be sure that no other vitamin on the market can offer the same transformational benefits,’ the JS Health team explained.


The formula contains two forms of Kelp, as well as Zinc. Each capsule contains: Ascophyllum nodosum blade & stem powder 294 mg; Equiv. Iodine 265 micrograms; Fucus vesiculosus dry extract 50mg, Derived from minimum dried whole plant 1g; Equiv. Iodine 10 micrograms, Total Iodine 275 micrograms; Zinc 10mg.

DOES NOT CONTAIN: Gluten, Wheat, Sugar, Dairy, Lactose, Soy, Artificial colours, Artificial flavours, Artificial sweeteners, Bee products, Corn, Egg, MSG, Tree nuts, Ground nuts, Peanuts, Sulfites, Salicylates/bioactive amines, Yeast.

 The vitamins launched in Australia but are now available in the UK

‘It’s so much better and I am feeling incredibly positive about my hair,’ she said.

‘My hair never looks tidy as regrowth spikes out in all different directions, but I am just so grateful that my hair is growing back and it’s growing back thicker than it was before,’ she said.

It has been a long process, she started taking the pills five months ago, but she is thrilled with the results and hopes all of her hair will soon be the same length.

‘It feels amazing, I’m still on my hair growth journey but the bald patches aren’t visible anymore which is fab,’ she said.

She said she was shocked when the hair started growing back because she had been so skeptical after trying so many methods.

JSHealth founder and renowned nutritionist Jess Sepel told Daily Mail Australia stories like Camilla's help her get out of bed in the morning and are the reason she started her company

JSHealth founder and renowned nutritionist Jess Sepel told Daily Mail Australia stories like Camilla’s help her get out of bed in the morning and are the reason she started her company

Some hair specialists had told her the only way her hair would recover would be to try hormone therapy or steroid injections.

Camilla knew that such radical treatments had to be a last resort.

JSHealth is an Australian company founded and headed by nutritionist Jess Sepel, she was thrilled with Camilla’s results and said stories like her help her get out of bed in the morning.

‘It pushes me to jump out of bed and keep building a company that serves for the greater good and genuinely has an impact on peoples lives. We are not just another vitamin company,’ she said.

‘This testimonial was a perfect example of what JSHealth was built upon – helping women feel more confident in their skin. There is nothing that makes my heart sing more. This is why we do what we do,’ she said.

The vitamin range is made in Australia – but the company continue to expand and is now available globally.

Their expansion into the UK has helped build a strong community of JSHealth women on the other side of the world – leading to success stories like Camilla’s. 

What factors influence female hair loss? 

Research shows hair loss effects 50percent of women at some point in their lives. 

 It can be caused by a variety of factors including stress.

Other factors can include the use of contraceptives with synthetic progesterone.

A shift of hormones during menopause can impact it as well. 

Some women experience hair loss when they are low in iron.

A lack of vitamin D can also lead to hair loss.