Malin Andersson believes her ex hitting her while she was pregnant contributed to daughter’s passing

Malin Andersson has told how she believes the physical abuse her ex-boyfriend Tom Kemp subjected her to while she was pregnant was a factor behind her daughter’s death at just one month old.

The former Love Island star, 28, who gave birth to daughter Consy in December 2018, revealed Kemp ‘slapped and punched’ her while she was six months pregnant, causing her to fall on her back and her stomach to hit the side of a bed.

Speaking to The Sun, Malin said she is convinced the incident contributed to Consy’s death as after a few days, she noticed she wasn’t moving around as much.

Heartbreaking: Malin Andersson believes the physical abuse her ex-boyfriend Tom Kemp subjected her to while she was pregnant was a factor behind her daughter’s death at just one month old

A month later, the movements reduced again and Malin insisted Kemp drive her to the hospital where doctors discovered Consy’s irregular heartbeat, leading her to have an emergency cesarean that day at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

She said: ‘When Tom threw me about, I’d tense my stomach so much, I could feel her pausing inside me. The doctors didn’t understand what happened to her, but I know in my heart.’ 

Malin said Kemp abused her physically and mentally throughout their relationship and she feared for her baby’s safety every day of her pregnancy. 

She added: ‘The emotional abuse was always worse. It would be: “Urgh, you’re so fat… oh no, you’re beautiful, I’m joking.” He’d call me a s**g, a fat b****h and a whore and he’d spit at me and spray deodorant at me.’

Abuse: Malin, 28, revealed Kemp 'slapped and punched' her while she was six months pregnant, causing her to fall on her back and her stomach to hit the side of a bed (pictured in April 2019)

Abuse: Malin, 28, revealed Kemp ‘slapped and punched’ her while she was six months pregnant, causing her to fall on her back and her stomach to hit the side of a bed (pictured in April 2019)

Tragic: Her daughter Consy was born seven weeks premature in December 2018 and was treated at London's Great Ormond Street hospital, but sadly passed away on 22 January 2019

Tragic: Her daughter Consy was born seven weeks premature in December 2018 and was treated at London’s Great Ormond Street hospital, but sadly passed away on 22 January 2019

Malin tried to break up with Kemp after Consy’s death but said she ended up going back to him out of grief.

However, she finally left him in July 2019 when the former couple were out with a group of friends and began to argue on their way home.

Malin said when they got back to their place, Kemp began to throw her around, choked her and spat on her. The police were called and she was taken to the hospital. 

The star said she could barely move her body for two weeks after the incident and was also left with a broken hand, vowing to ‘never again’ let him abuse her. 

Health: Malin said she is convinced the incident contributed to Consy's death as after a few days, she noticed she wasn't moving around as much (pictured in December 2018)

Health: Malin said she is convinced the incident contributed to Consy’s death as after a few days, she noticed she wasn’t moving around as much (pictured in December 2018)

A friend of Malin’s took her to Bedford Women’s Centre where she enrolled in a 12-week Freedom programme for women who have experienced domestic violence and said the course changed her life. 

During the year-long wait for the case to go to court, Malin said Kemp regularly flouted his bail conditions and tried to contact her through numerous fake social media accounts begging for forgiveness. 

Malin had taken photographs of some of the worst of her physical injuries which helped to build the case against Kemp. 

Kemp, who branded Malin a ‘liar with mental health issues’ when she shared photos of her injuries, eventually changed his plea for assault occasioning actual bodily harm from not guilty to guilty.

Love Island star Malin posted a photo of her domestic abuse injuries after her abusive ex Kemp was jailed

Love Island star Malin posted a photo of her domestic abuse injuries after her abusive ex Kemp was jailed 

Malin said she cried with relief after Kemp changed his plea and opted not to watch him get sentenced.    

The star insisted she does not see herself as a victim, saying: ‘I hate the word “victim”. I’m not a victim, I much prefer survivor. To be honest, sometimes I don’t know how on earth I’m still here, but I am. I have survived.’ 

Malin said that while Kemp has shown no remorse, she envisions herself forgiving him when she meditates, adding that she feels sorry for him and hopes that he gets help. 

Malin and Kemp first met at a party at the end of 2017, just one week after her mother, who was also named Consy, passed away. 

The star described herself as hurt and seeking comfort at the time and said she and Kemp formed a ‘trauma bond’. 

Horrifying: Malin said Kemp abused her physically and mentally throughout their relationship and she feared for her baby's safety every day of her pregnancy (pictured together in February 2019)

Horrifying: Malin said Kemp abused her physically and mentally throughout their relationship and she feared for her baby’s safety every day of her pregnancy (pictured together in February 2019)

His anger problems became apparent a few months into the relationship when Malin says he would fly into a rage out of nowhere and destroy her belongings.

He would then cry and beg for forgiveness with Malin saying she modified her behaviour so as not to ‘trigger’ an outburst.

Malin said she knows she should have left, but was scared of the idea of being alone after her mother’s death. 

Malin said she hopes that by using her platform, she could help someone else suffering from domestic abuse to contact the police or leave their relationship. 

If you have been affected by this story, you can call the National Domestic Abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247 or The Lullaby Trust on 0808 802 6868.      

Platform: Malin said she hopes that by using her platform, she could help someone else suffering from domestic abuse to contact the police or leave their relationship

Platform: Malin said she hopes that by using her platform, she could help someone else suffering from domestic abuse to contact the police or leave their relationship